التصنيف حسب:
2034 من المنتجات
فيزوتنس 0.4 مغم 28 قرص
ريسبيردال 2 مغ 20 قرص
رواتينكس 30 كبسولة
ديكلوفين كريم 50 غم
ديب هيت كريم 100 غم
برونكو - فاكسوم الكبار 30 كبسولة
كو-ديوفان 160/12.5 مغ 28 قرص
سيفرول 0.18 مغ 30 قرص
بانادركس 500 مغ 24 قرص
جانوميت 50/500 مجم 56 قرص
فيس بخاخ للأنف للأطفال 30 مل
اونودروبس 10 مل
هيمالايا اسبراجس 60 قرص
ستربسلز اورنج مع فيتامين سي 36 قرص
كيوفاسك 10 مغ 30 قرص
ثيفي شراب السعال الطبيعي 100 مل
كوراكني 20 مغ 30 كبسولة
ليفتا 5 مغ 28 قرص
إيمافير إي اوينتمنت 5 جم
زينوستات 40 مجم فيلم كوتد 30 قرص
أقراص ريديكس بقوة 10 ملجم 4
ماء للحقن الوريدي 10 مل
سيريتايد ديسكوس 250 ميكروغرام
اوميزين 20 مغ 15 كبسولة
ميكارديس 80 مغ 28 قرص
موبيك 15 مغ 30 قرص
ابروفيل 150 مغ 28 قرص
أماريل م 2/500 مغ 30 قرص
سيلبريكس 100 مغ 20 كبسولة
ديوفان 160 مغ 28 قرص
زيستريل 5 مغ 28 قرص
ترافاتان قطرة عين 2.5 مل
ترايبوفيد شراب 100 مل
نيسيتا بخاخ أنف 20مل
جلوكوفانس 500 مغ/5 مغ 30 قرص
فيزيكير 10 ملغم 30 قرص
بخاخ الانف ستيريمار سلفر 100مل
فوركسيجا 5 ملغم 28 حبة
نيو اميلتيز يوكو يوكو 80مل
اتوركور 20 مغ 28 قرص
سنقوم بتوصيل طلبك خلال ساعة إلى ساعتين كحد أقصى.
لست سعيدًا بطلبك، استمتع بعملية ارجاع سهلة جداً.
فريق دعم خلود متواجدون على مدار 24 ساعة للمساعدة.
تخطى الدفع عبر الإنترنت وقم بالدفع عند الاستلام.
المنطقة رقم 74، شارع رقم 390، مبنى رقم 40
طريق الخور الساحلي، الخور
مفتوح 24 ساعة كل يوم.
Lusail Fox Hills, Next to Woqod Lusail
+974 5507 4833
Zone No. 39, Street No. 231, Building No. 43
+974 5502 0817
Zone No. 53, Street No. 1317, Building No. 8
+974 4416 4906
Zone No. 51, Street No. 355, Building No. 21
+974 4478 9067
Zone No. 90, Street No. 720, Building No. 54
+974 4441 0352
Zone No. 90, Street No. 532, Building No. 19
+974 4455 3630
Zone No. 56, Street No. 995, Building No. 200
+974 4417 3427
Zone No. 41, Street No. 850, Building No. 23
+974 3368 7506
Zone No. 71, Street No. 440
+974 3340 8466
Zone No. 53, Street No. 959
+974 5010 6393
Al Moasses St., Katara
+974 3387 7305
Zone No. 3, Street No. 950
+974 5512 4639
Zone No. 31, Street No. 810, Building 5, Duhail
+974 5593 0047
Zone No. 55, Street No. 73, Building No. 35
+974 4029 4504
Zone No. 19, B09-01, Doha, Qatar
+974 6601 3186
Salwa Resort, Abu Samra
+974 5107 7483
Zone No. 55, Street No. 180
+974 3993 0774
Zone No. 71, Street No. 870
+974 6628 9671
Zone No. 53, Street No. 638
+974 6614 8549
Zone No. 55, Street No. 185, Building No. 23
+974 4463 2811
Zone No. 53, Street No. 931, Buildig 66, Al Shafi,
+974 6640 7593
Zone No. 69, Street No. 342, Building No. 43
+974 3349 3476
Zone No. 55, Street No. 280, Building No.416
+974 4469 6489
Zone No. 90, Street No. 201, Building No. 240
+ 974 5071 2904
West Walk Edge City, Unit No. 304,
+974 5072 3972
Zone No. 51, Street No. 371, Building No. 206, Luqta street
+974 5114 8610
Al Messilah, Zone No. 36
+974 5072 6335
Inside Al Meera, Fox Hills, Lusail, Shop No. 10
+974 5115 0328
Zone No. 55, Street No. 160,
+974 5109 2972
Zone No. 71, Street No. 595, Building No. 935, Ground Floor
+974 3368 8579
Zone No. 52, Street No. 2748, Building No. 80
+974 5100 4207
Zone No. 25, Street No. 830, Building No. 62
+974 4039 1241
Zone No. 56, Street No. 1129, Building No. 19
+974 4472 0651
Zone No. 37, Street No. 989, Building No. 47
+974 4487 2457
Zone No. 37, Street No. 232, Building No. 121
+974 4458 2946
Zone No. 69, Street No. 186, Building No. 55
+974 6602 6712
Zone No. 81, Street No. 445, Building No. 48
+974 4416 6431
Zone No. 56, Street No. 995, Building No. 241
+974 5590 7212
Zone No. 55, Street No. 280, Building No. 416
+974 4039 8375
Zone No. 61, Street No. 850, Building No. 85
+974 6683 5855
Zone No. 56, Street No. 990, Building No. 128
+974 4458 3615
Zone No. 45, Street No. 840, Building No. 48
+974 4465 1155
Zone No. 70, Street No. 1411, Building No. 19
+974 4486 5490
Zone No. 70, Street No. 615, Building No. 80
+974 4478 4173
Zone No. 30, Street No. 253, Building No. 460
+974 4483 9073
Zone No. 70, Street No. 1
+974 4017 4080
Zone No. 63, Street No. 950, Building No. 23
+974 4463 1959
Zone No. 55, Street No. 280, Building No. 264
+974 6619 7012
Zone No. 63, Street No. 905, Building No. 8
+974 5057 6227
Zone No. 51, Street No. 780, Building No. 97
+974 5066 1893
Al Shamal Road street, Gulf Mall, Garaffah
+974 4473 1691
Zone No. 54, Street No. 725, Building No. 72
+974 6676 5824
Al Eshaiqer street, Building No. 225, Ground floor
+974 5099 9111
Zone No. 56, Street No. 100, Building No. 23
+974 4458 0945
Zone No. 57, Street No. 125, Building No. 163
+974 6641 6981
Zone No. 57, Street No. 125, Building No. 156
+974 4029 1883
Al Khor Coastal Road, Building No. 40
+974 4472 0192
Zone No. 39, Street No. 820, Building No. 137
+974 4450 2877
Zone No. 66, Street No. 51, Building No. 50
+974 4417 9727
Zone No. 31, Street No. 380, Building No. 442
+974 4493 3857
+974 4411 7374
Al Khor Coastal Road street, Al Khor Mall
+974 4437 1169
Zone No. 33, Street No. 370, Building No. 252
+974 4487 7784
Zone No. 91, Street No. 212, Building No. 120
+974 4029 8216
Zone No. 56, Street No. 990, Building No. 337
+974 4469 9394
Zone No. 39, Street No. 251, Building No. 4
+974 4498 9687
Zone No. 39, Street No. 840, Building No. 53
+974 4483 2064
Zone No. 31, Street No. 380, Building No. 372
+974 4488 2812
Zone No. 53, Street No. 740, Building No. 81
+974 4460 1749
Zone No. 24, Street No. 830, Building No. 22
+974 4432 8202
Zone No. 51, Street No. 373, Building No. 800
+974 3319 2231
Zone No. 25, Street No. 898, Building No. 4
+974 5552 4072
Zone No. 53, Street No. 350, Building No. 877
+974 4498 0182
Zone No. 43, Street No. 826, Building No. 60
+974 6693 4912
Ground Floor, Ezdan Oasis, Zone No. 91
+974 4481 0387
Zone No. 66, Street No. 115, Building No. 14
+974 4002 7578
Zone No. 66, Street No. 223, Building No. 310
+974 4039 3195
Zone No. 80, Street No. 905, Building No. 33
+974 3352 0365
123 John Doe StreetYour Town, YT 12345
Store HoursSun: ClosedMon-Fri: 9:00 - 17:00Sat: 10:00 - 13:00
What to expect at pickup
Closing at 5pm
Closing at 1pm
Zone No. 66, Street No. 974, Building No. 7
+974 4017 6913
Rawdat Egdaim, Ijnan street,
+974 4417 7217
Zone No. 24, Street No. 940, Building No. 2
+974 4441 9420
Zone No. 23, Street No. 850, Building No. 58
+974 4413 1533
Building No. 19, Street No. 830, Zone No، 47 Abu Ayyoub Al Ansari St
+974 4411 0276
Zone No. 55, Street No. 268, Building No. 111
+974 4447 5816
Zone No. 56, Street No. 340, Building No. 243
+974 4467 0838
Zone No. 1, Street No. 119, Building No. 20
+974 4029 1351
Zone No. 31, Street No. 380, Building No. 328
+974 3359 6273
Ground floor, Al Haya street, Umm Qarn Road
+974 5072 6391
Zone No. 24, Street No. 230, Building No. 358
+974 4417 8698
Zone No. 71, Street No. 760, Building No. 49
+974 4039 1574
Zone No. 71, Street No. 850, Building No. 41
+974 3350 7370
Zone No. 56, Street No. 902, Building No. 76
+974 4037 3465
Zone No. 71, Street No. 750, Building No. 117
+974 4460 7321
Zone No. 69, Street No. 347, Building No. 1
+974 5059 1517
+974 5029 8167
Zone No. 54, Street No. 364, Building No. 660
+974 4413 5035
Zone No. 55, Street No. 364, Building No. 195
+974 4444 0567
Zone No. 53, Street No. 39, Building No. 8
+974 4421 6752
Zone No. 90, Street No. 311, Building No. 426
+974 5580 4708
Alkheesa Road, Rawdat Al Hamama, Zone No. 70, Street No. 815, Building No. 147, Al Kheesa, Qatar
+974 5118 2260
Wukair Street, Zone 91, Street 911, Bldg No. 228, Janoub Square, Building B- Al Wukair Street, Al Wukair, Qatar
+974 51091493
Amkasah St., West Bay, Dafnah,, Street No. 810, Zone No. 60, Building No. 17, West Bay, Qatar
+974 51055933
تم تحديث سلة التسوق بنجاح